Here Goes My Life
Everyday happenings of the places I go,the things I do and the people I love
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
It's been a long time!
Monday, August 9, 2010
New blog,video & my new red door
I also wanted to share with you what we did to the front door. I love red doors and think it makes the front of the house look so welcoming. Here are the before and after pics. I think it looks awesome. It turned out great.
That's it for today. Need to get moving and get something done. Not really in the mood to do anything on my list. Kind of a dreary cloudy day but very warm. High humidity and temps yuck! but I would take it over below zero and snow any day.Have a great day! TTYS :D Sherri
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hi Everyone!
Since my last post we have had a couple holidays some summer fun and some crafting. Most of all I have been enjoying the summer and the time to be outside(when it's not 90 and humid LOL). Before long we wont be able to get out and enjoy the warm weather so I try and take advantage when I can. Sitting on my porch with a glass of ice tea and reading up on some of my magazines is so relaxing.One of my very favorite things to do. Well better get back to my To Do List for today. Hope everyone is enjoying there summer and hopefully it wont be another 4 months before I post again. Have a great day!
Monday, March 15, 2010
New Craft
I hope everyone is doing well. I also want to thank everyone for following me and being interested in what's going on in my life.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Fabric covered books and a lil Spring
Thanks Char for another great tutorial. I have also been doing some spring decorating around the house this week. I took my snowmen down a couple of weeks ago and everything looked so bare. I know it's a little early but nothing wrong with making it feel like spring in the house. Especially since it's been so cold and yucky outside. It kind of lifts the ole spirit to see new things. So go ahead and pull out the bunnies and flowers. Put a little spring in your life.Oh BTW, another project this week are the eggs you see in the picture. I just used paper mache eggs from Hobby Lobby and painted them and stained them to make them look old.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
and the winner is....
Thursday, January 21, 2010
MY CS magazine giveaway
There are four criteria for this giveaway.
1. Please leave me a message on this post stating why you would like these issues.
2. You also need to be one of my followers before this post.
3. I would also like the winner to have their own blog.
4. If you already have these issues, please give someone else a chance.
That's it. The drawing cut off is January 31st. I will draw the name February 1st.
Good luck!
Until next time,