Well I have to cut it short again.Need to get some paper work done today.Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My new pinkeep
Hi again everyone. It's been a busy day.My two friends came to visit and see the house.When I answered the door,here they were with a beautiful hanging flower basket for me. We sat and chatted and had coffee and coffeecake.It was so nice.They are two great ladies.Then,I was off to get some grocery shopping and errands ran.It ,of course,started pouring rain,so I made my little excursion short.My hair and rain don't mix too well.If you could see me now,LOL!I also heard that we are suppose to have rain thru Friday.At this rate,we might get the landscaping done,ooooooh by JULY!Anyway,now to the reason for my post.My awesome little pinkeep from Teresa at http://www.ezshoppes.com/shoppe/?sid=teresasprimitivetreasures came in the mail today.Thanks so much Teresa.I absolutely luv it. It looks so cute in my laundry room cubby shelf.

Well I have to cut it short again.Need to get some paper work done today.Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
Well I have to cut it short again.Need to get some paper work done today.Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
Organizing office
Just a short post this morning.Wanted to touch base with everyone and keep my promise to post more often.For lack of knowing what to post,I thought I would let everyone see what my weekend consisted of.Now I know it's not very interesting and you could prolly care less but I have organized all the papers and it makes me feel so good to get this done.Actually,we have a desk ordered and it should be here soon and I wanted to be ready so I can just concentrate on decorating the room.Well I have to go for now(told you it was short).I have a couple ladies coming this morning to take a peek at the house and I want to be ready.I have some straightening and cleaning before they get here.
So have a great day everyone and I will be talking to you soon.
So have a great day everyone and I will be talking to you soon.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Picture of dining room cupboard and laundry hamper
Good morning everyone.Just wanted to quickly post pictures of my dining room cupboard that's pretty much
done.I want to find something else to put on the second shelf. 


Also,here are pics of my laundry room hamper and shelf unit.The cupboard hangs above the hamper.Well better go for now.Need to get ready for work.Hope everyone has a great day and wonderful weekend.The weather is suppose to be really nice here this weekend.Warm but windy,go figure.
Also,here are pics of my laundry room hamper and shelf unit.The cupboard hangs above the hamper.Well better go for now.Need to get ready for work.Hope everyone has a great day and wonderful weekend.The weather is suppose to be really nice here this weekend.Warm but windy,go figure.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Kitchen counter display
Hi again everyone! Yep that's right,another post,two days in a row.I just wanted to share one of my kitchen counter displays. I also wanted to get everyones opinion.Should I change my blog description background to this picture or leave it for now? I want to get a grubby votive to put in my little stoneware bowl or does anyone have any other suggestions?

I have been home for two days.That's amazing in it's self.I have alot of catching up to do and it feels good to get it done.I have a full TO DO LIST today. Well, as much as I would love to stay on here,I better get going on that list. Everyone have a wonderful day and I will be talking to you soon.
I have been home for two days.That's amazing in it's self.I have alot of catching up to do and it feels good to get it done.I have a full TO DO LIST today. Well, as much as I would love to stay on here,I better get going on that list. Everyone have a wonderful day and I will be talking to you soon.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Some bathroom decorating
Hi as I said,here are some pics of the master bathroom so far. It's not done but wanted to show everyone my shelf and decor.The shelf is one I had before the fire.It was in the basement of the old house and needed cleaning up.My sweet hubby painted it black for me and ,wala,works perfectly,and better yet,it cost nothing.The bath sign I purchased from a great shop in Clinton,IL.Heres the link... http://www.countryjunctionstore.com/
Well that's it for now.I will post more when it gets closer to being done.I am having so much fun decorating my new home.It's been a very long 9 months.We have been thru alot but now we can enjoy our lives and move on.
Well that's it for now.I will post more when it gets closer to being done.I am having so much fun decorating my new home.It's been a very long 9 months.We have been thru alot but now we can enjoy our lives and move on.
New look,New post
Well hello everyone! No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.I thought
to celebrate the wonderful change in our lives ,I might as well make changes to my blog.Hope everyone likes the new change. As some of you prolly know,on February 28th we officially moved into our new home. I have come to the conclusion that there really is "no place like home." We have been enjoying it so much.We have been very busy unpacking,organizing and of course my favorite part,decorating.I am trying to do one room at a time.It has been really hard to concentrate on j
ust one room.I am a little overwhelmed by it all.When you have to start over after 25 years of collecting it's really hard but I have managed to concentrate on the master bedroom.I have almost got it to where I want it.Here are pics to show you what I have done so far. The wall color in the pictures make it look a little pink but it's not.It's more of a dark tan.The pics do not do it justice.I love my new quilt and was so excited when I finally go to use it.The curtains are from JC penneys.We didn't want to put holes in the woodwork so I used tension rods for the inside of the windows and cut a berry garland for the
tiebacks.The oak shelf above the bed is from the resale shop where I work. It matches perfectly and I didnt spend a fortune.Don't ya just luv those resale shoppes? The items on the shelf are from Gordmans and some items I had left over from my shop.The items on the dresser are from my favorite country shop,Country Gingham,in Bloomington,IL. The barnwood bench is one that my DH made awhile back.The quilt on the bench, I found at a little country shop in Clinton called,The Flower Shoppe.This is only the first of two post for today.Don't forget to check out my bathroom decorating. I a
m not finished but thought I would give you a little pre
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