Hello everyone. I took the plunge and took about an hour or so out of my day to get this new look.Whew,didn't think I would ever get that one figured out but glad I did.It was well worth the trouble. Hope you like,:0)!
I have been a busy lil bee.I had my sons graduation party this past weekend.It went well.We had beautiful weather.Sunday I just layed around and recuperated.Yesterday I worked all day and this morning felt like I was hit by a mack truck. Today,I have been trying to catch up with all my blog friends.Honestly,I was doing so much catch up that I don't even remember where I found this album but boy am I glad I found it.Check out this home.
http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/album/572535542ZWeACeWell isn't it a good one?I thought so. She has some great collections. I also absolutely love the colors she has used thru out her home.
Now I want to share some pics of my front porch.My blog header is one of them.

This is the wreath I made for the front door.I have been wanting something for the door and didn't want to pay a fortune.I found this flag at an antique shop.I had the wreath,picks and greenery so didn't cost me much.My kind of decorating.

This picture is of the bucket bench I found on ebay.I bought it intending to put it in the entry but when I got it home I thought it looked nice on the porch. I just used all my watering cans instead of buckets.Well that's it for now.Hope you enjoyed my new pics.Until next time,SHERRI