Monday, August 31, 2009
My newest creation
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Back to school recipe pool
Rather than typing this out,I am just giving you the link to her website.If anyone out there tries this,let me know what you think.If you would like to join in Colleen's Friday recipe pool just click here
Have a great weekend everyone. Until next time,

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
What I am working on and Textures of my home Part 1
Just wanted to share what I am working on this Wednesday. My lil stitchery from Shelly Auen
When I finish it will be "Believe"primitive santa.Hopefully it will look a lil bit like it's suppose to.I have never cross stitched on anything but aida cloth. I am having a hard time seeing the lil holes.It's not as easy as it seems.I will post pictures as soon as it is completed.

The second part of my post is textures in my home. Alot of you girls have been doing this and thought I would join in. It is very easy to get carried away. I will post a second part soon and maybe even a third! Hope everyone is having a great week.Have a wonderful day,

When I finish it will be "Believe"primitive santa.Hopefully it will look a lil bit like it's suppose to.I have never cross stitched on anything but aida cloth. I am having a hard time seeing the lil holes.It's not as easy as it seems.I will post pictures as soon as it is completed.
The second part of my post is textures in my home. Alot of you girls have been doing this and thought I would join in. It is very easy to get carried away. I will post a second part soon and maybe even a third! Hope everyone is having a great week.Have a wonderful day,
Monday, August 24, 2009
My new above door shelf curtain holder and "redware"
Hello all my bloggin buds.Happy Monday everyone! Start to another beautiful day here in central Illinois.We had temps only in the 70's this weekend and have to tell you it's really getting me in the mood to start pullin out all my fall decor. I can't get myself to let go of summer for some reason. I do luv summer when you can get outside and enjoy the sun.We have had such a mild summer.Not much heat which has been really nice.One of the nicest summers I can remember.Well onward to better things. After reading Jens tutorial on redware plates
I knew I just had to try this. I had purchased a wooden plate at Hobby Lobby and was wondering what I could do with it.When she posted her tutorial,I couldn't resist. I think if it weren't wood,it would look more like redware but for my first try I thought it was OK.I went cruzin the internet for pics of redware and found this bird on a limb.In case you were wondering what it is,LOL!I also used delta ceramcoat craft paint in cinnamon and I am not really happy with the color.Next time I am going to try light cinnamon like Jen used.

Now for the second part of my post. Ever since we had the big doors in the house,I have visualized valances and a shelf above.I just though it would soften it up a bit.Well one of my web friends,Teresa over at had these brackets for sale and I knew I had to have them. Over the weekend,after hours of figuring out what to do and how to do it,my DH and I, finally got it figured out,and yes we are still married,LOL! OK,so I exagerated a bit, maybe it wasn't hours but it sure felt like it. At one point, I didn't t hink we were going to ever get it figured out,right Teresa? After purchasing two different kinds of hooks,dowel rods,wood,brackets,L brackets and screws,we finally got it done.I think it turned out great and can't wait to get it decorated.I know it's hard to see the valances but they are lovers knot pattern. I am going to get better pics when I get it decorated.
Well I hope everyone has a great day.I also hope my post inspires someone to get out there and do something they have been wanting to do.Cuz if I can do it anybody can.

Until next time,

I knew I just had to try this. I had purchased a wooden plate at Hobby Lobby and was wondering what I could do with it.When she posted her tutorial,I couldn't resist. I think if it weren't wood,it would look more like redware but for my first try I thought it was OK.I went cruzin the internet for pics of redware and found this bird on a limb.In case you were wondering what it is,LOL!I also used delta ceramcoat craft paint in cinnamon and I am not really happy with the color.Next time I am going to try light cinnamon like Jen used.
Now for the second part of my post. Ever since we had the big doors in the house,I have visualized valances and a shelf above.I just though it would soften it up a bit.Well one of my web friends,Teresa over at had these brackets for sale and I knew I had to have them. Over the weekend,after hours of figuring out what to do and how to do it,my DH and I, finally got it figured out,and yes we are still married,LOL! OK,so I exagerated a bit, maybe it wasn't hours but it sure felt like it. At one point, I didn't t hink we were going to ever get it figured out,right Teresa? After purchasing two different kinds of hooks,dowel rods,wood,brackets,L brackets and screws,we finally got it done.I think it turned out great and can't wait to get it decorated.I know it's hard to see the valances but they are lovers knot pattern. I am going to get better pics when I get it decorated.
Well I hope everyone has a great day.I also hope my post inspires someone to get out there and do something they have been wanting to do.Cuz if I can do it anybody can.
Until next time,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Joining in on Watcha working on Wednesday
Hi everyone! Just a short post tonight. I am joining some of you ladies in Watcha workin on Wednesday. I have been wanting to make some gameboards and I finally got my stencils this week. This is my first try at one and I think it turned out pretty good.Thanks Char, over at the Pickled Pepper Patch, your great tutorial! Michaels had a great sale last week and I picked up this board 30% off. My next one will be from wood out in my DH shed.It will be alot cheaper even though it was on sale.I used Americana Old Gold over black.

Here is a picture of the cutting boards that I painted last week but didn't get around to posting.

Today we had thunderstorms go thru and tornado warnings.It was pretty scary.We had high winds and alot of rain.We are suppose to have a very nice weekend here.Only in the 70's and sunny all weekend.School started here yesterday.I can't believe another summer is gone. I hope everyone is having a nice evening,until next time,
Here is a picture of the cutting boards that I painted last week but didn't get around to posting.
Today we had thunderstorms go thru and tornado warnings.It was pretty scary.We had high winds and alot of rain.We are suppose to have a very nice weekend here.Only in the 70's and sunny all weekend.School started here yesterday.I can't believe another summer is gone. I hope everyone is having a nice evening,until next time,
Friday, August 14, 2009
One last "summer" post
Hello everyone.Just a short post this morning to let everyone know I am still here. I wanted to post summer pics one last time.Soon the fall will be coming out,YIPPEE!
I posted a picture of this in a previous post but wanted to show how it turned out with all the landscaping done.

This is a picture of the front door.

Front porch to the right of the front door.The red geraniums will soo be packed away for the year.It's hard to believe another summer is almost gone.

This is a picture of the front door.
Front porch to the right of the front door.The red geraniums will soo be packed away for the year.It's hard to believe another summer is almost gone.
Front porch to left of the door.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
Until next time,
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The process has begun
I have to warn you this will not be the most flattering picture you will ever see of me. Yesterday was my first orthodontic appointment for my braces. He put the top ones on and then 4-6 months they will put the bottom ones on. This is going to be a 2 - 2 1/2 year process. They warned me that my mouth will be a lil soar for a few days. A lil soar!, that's an understatement.OMG,my mouth feels like a toothache all over my mouth. I can't eat anything that is hard to chew cuz it hurts so bad.I might be living on ice cream for the next few days which I guess isn't so bad.Except for all the sugar that I am not suppose to be eating.Oh well guess I gotta do what I gotta do.Better get going and try and get something done today.Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.The sun is shining here and it's beautiful.Until next time,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Dining room pics
Hello everyone! It's a rainy stormy day here in central Illinois, a perfect day to take some pics and post on my blog. I have been doing some tweaking and wanted to share some dining room pics.
This quilt shelf doesn't look right to me.I don't know but I think I have too much on it.It feels cluttered. Anyone have any suggestions?
This is my favorite piece,my big green cupboard with all my treenware and Maple city pottery and of course Lisa's prim sign that I luv.
Here's a view of everything together.
I am off to the dentist later to start my braces.I am so excited to finally get my teeth fixed.I know it's going to take awhile. I will have them on for 2 to 2 1/2 years but it will definately be worth it. I asked the dr if he could speed it up cuz I aint no spring chicken anymore,LOL! Anyway I will keep you posted on the braces progress and more pics of the house when I feel it's picture worthy.I wanted to show pics of the drysink,quilt area but don't feel it's quite ready.
Until next time,
I am off to the dentist later to start my braces.I am so excited to finally get my teeth fixed.I know it's going to take awhile. I will have them on for 2 to 2 1/2 years but it will definately be worth it. I asked the dr if he could speed it up cuz I aint no spring chicken anymore,LOL! Anyway I will keep you posted on the braces progress and more pics of the house when I feel it's picture worthy.I wanted to show pics of the drysink,quilt area but don't feel it's quite ready.
Until next time,
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