Jayne! and here is what she had to say...........

Just look at this bucket! It was overflowing. Thank you everybody for signing up for the giveaway and for all your kind comments on my home and on my blog. I appreciate each and everyone.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Happy weekend everyone! The sun is shining but boy is it deceiving. I stepped out to take Kaci out and couldn't believe how cold it was, 30 degrees. Oh well at least the sun is shining which it hasn't done in a couple days. It was so funny when I got up this morning. I went into the bathroom and peaked thru the house and there was a bright light coming from the office room. I thought somebody left the top light on but nope it was just the sun coming thru the window,LOL. I forgot what it looked like!
Our son is home for a couple days from college. It's always so good to see him. It seems like he has grown up so much. He walked in the last time he was home with this new haircut and it made him look so much older. It's amazing how it seems like they just grow up overnite.
That's it for today. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather,well hopefully beautiful wherever you live, cuz the snow will be flying soon. Until next time,