Hello everyone! Just wanted to post and say Hi and update you on what I have been doing lately. Recently I started a new craft hobby. I know I know, like I don't have enough craft projects to do but this is very near and dear to my heart, my family and kids pictures. You see, after the fire, I realized that these are the only link back to our past that we have. That terrible day of the fire, I had a firemen ask if there was anything I wanted out of the house and of course the only things that I really wanted were my pictures. These are really the only things that can bring you back to those first birthdays, school plays and family gatherings that mean so much. The nice firemen went in and saved most of them. I was thrilled when he came out with the albums that my dear daughter had put together for me a couple years earlier for Christmas.I balled and balled. I couldn't believe he went in and saved them for me. After that, I realized that it was so important to save these precious memories. Not just for future step back in time moments but to pass down to my kids and they can share them with their kids. That's the reason I felt it was so important to start scrap booking. I know I have so many craft hobbies but none that are as important as this. So with that being said, I want to share three layouts that I did over the weekend. I went to a SB retreat for 2 1/2 days this past weekend and had so much fun. It was just so relaxing to just put your mind away from the everyday chores and cooking and cleaning and just sit there and concentrate on scrap booking. I also got to spend time with my beautiful sister. We always have so much fun .

This first layout is a Christmas one of my daughter and oldest son.Now be nice, don't forget that I just started scrap booking a few months ago, LOL!

The second one is of my DD. She lives in Texas and these are the new boots that I got her for Christmas one year.

The third layout is my DD at her Senior year prom. She looked so pretty with her lavender dress. I still have to do some journaling on this one.
That's just a few that I have done. I still have allot to learn but I am having so much fun.
I hope everyone is doing well. I also want to thank everyone for following me and being interested in what's going on in my life.
Well that's it for today. I need to get back to laundry and cleaning, YUCK!
Have a great day everyone!
Until next time,