Hello all my bloggin buddies.Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.The weather here was awful.It rained all day.All the events were cancelled.Although some of the fireworks around the area still went on.We stayed home and had the family over.It turned out to be a very nice time.We stayed in and played cards and listened to my dad tell us about some of his childhood memories.It's always so interesting when he tells us about some of the things he did.He and my mom both lived way down in the Kentucky mountains.One day he decided he was tired of waiting for his mom,my gramma,to order some things from Sears that he had been wanting.So,being the lil stinker he was,he got the order form out himself.I believe he said he was only 6 or 7 years old,and he filled it out alright.Everyday he would go down to the local store and see if his order came.When it finally did get there,the people down at the local store couldn't believe it.He had ordered a bicycle and a whole lot of toys.There were boxes and boxes of stuff.It's so funny to hear him tell it.There are so many stories that my mom and dad tell us about when they were growing up.My mom was a tomboy.She had a twin brother and she would protect him.There entertainment was climbing the mountains.She tells us about all the snakes they would see up in the mountains and it's so hard to believe that they never got bitten.Well sorry for the rambling.Now on to my reason for the post.
On Sunday the weather was beautiful.My DH and I worked in the yard.We got our pump fountain installed and I just wanted to share.We don't have the mulch down yet so you can see the tubing and electrical cord.Just pretend they aren't there,LOL!As you can tell we have been doing a little landscaping also.Our very nice neighbor is a landscape designer and he was kind enough to draw up a plan.We did get the front pretty much done except for the mulch.We still need to get a few more things for the side of the garage.We had all that area done and then we had the fire.When we started the new house,everything had to be dug up and moved and some of them didn't make it.Next year we are planning on building a deck and doing the landscaping in the back.When we get the mulch down,I will post more pics.Here are a couple of pics of the fountain.The pump we found at a flea market in Sandwich IL.
http://thirdsundaymarket.com/There are flea markets once a month,April thru September each year.

Well that's it for today.Hope everyone has a great day and great rest of the week,Until next time :0),
I love your old pump. I would like one someday, but they are hard to find. Can't wait to see all of your hard work.
Wonderful Pump Sherri! LOve it!
I love the pump. I was just told about this market today. Unfortunately I won't be able to go in July but maybe in August. It's a bit far from my house @ 3 hours but I heard it's worth it.
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