There was a horse and buggy just sitting there with no one around so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to get a picture.The amish do not like having there pictures taken which is understandable.They are people just like us except they happen to dress differently and have a very different way of life.The second picture is some landscaping.It was beautiful.This was at one of the bed and breakfasts.
The next three pics are of one of the best shops there.It had the most different things and OMG how it was decorated was totally awesome.
Isn't this just the cutest quaintest little place you have ever seen? It's a little cafe.We sat out on the porch and ate our lunch.My Dh didn't like the way it was decorated on the inside.He said it looked like a nursery,haha.It kind of did but it was decorated with cottage decor.I guess I don't ever have to worry about him wanting our house decorated that way.Not that there is anything wrong with cottage,it just happens to not be the way I decorate.Although I know it is very popular right now. If you walk back in there to the right and left are other little shops.The little red building to the left was a sweet shop with homemade candies and fudge.
This is a picture of one of the shops on main street.
This is a picture of the front of another one of my favorites there. The lady here was so nice. I ended up buying a shelf here for my entry.Stay tuned for pictures. There was also this antique/vintage shop there.I didn't take any pictures of this but when I walked in I couldn't believe all of the vintage aprons.They had a peg rack that was probably 7 feet long filled with them.As soon as I seen them I immediately thought of Carey over at
Carey you would have gone crazy in this place.Wish I would have taken some pictures.
I have been a very busy little bee getting everything ready for fall. I am just about ready.Still have a little tweaking I need to do. I still have alot to do as far decorating but can't do everything so some of it will have to wait.
My youngest son moved out and now we have an empty bedroom that's just waiting for some attention.I have purchased some things but need to paint the room.Yes I said paint the room.I know we just moved in but a girl has a right to change her mind RIGHT? I also need to finish the main bathroom and put some decor in there.Right now it has empty walls. Which is kind of driving me crazy.That's it for today.I will be posting fall preview pictures very soon. Hope everyone is having a great Monday,Until next time,
Sherri, thanks for sharing your pics. What a great little town. I would love to go back there some day! The pic of the store with the birdhouses was really great! Drool! Sounds like a very enjoyable trip. Jayne
Thanks so much for posting all these wonderful pics. I keep saying we're going to Shipshewana but we haven't gotten there yet. We pass the exit every time we go visit my Brother-in-Law in Illinois. One of these days I'll get there. ; )
Looks like a neat place, my sister tells me I would love it. Hopefully, after we get settled we can plan a trip up there.
Thanks for the comment, I saw that and had to read it twice. It's so surprising to me, this internet world that instantly connects us to one another. Really neat!
Oh my goodness, that looks like a wonderful place! I would have loved to stop in all those shops! I've only been to one Amish community and I loved was in MO near Laura Ingalls Wilder's homeplace.
It's funny the things our husbands notice about decorating and have opinions about....isn't it?
Have a great evening!
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